There are four potential places a log message may end up depending on the verbosity level: stdout. loginfo. Note that this may not be sent to the screen depending on the value of the roslaunch/XML/node output parameter. stderr. logerr, logfatal, and logwarn. Node log file . all.

Medium - This level is configured to provide the best user experience on most pages and documents and is the default verbosity level. By default, JAWS will not indicate the start and end for flash objects or frames, and only the start and end of navigation and main regions is announced. unit testing - What is verbosity level exactly in python I don't think verbosity has strong relationship with logging because unittest has its own level in [1,2,3]. but logging.INFO is equal to 20 or more. – chao787 Jul 26 '12 at 5:05 @RichardWong These are just some constant values for convenience, valued 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50. MSBuild Command-Line Reference - Visual Studio | Microsoft -verbosity:level-v:level: Specifies the amount of information to display in the build log. Each logger displays events based on the verbosity level that you set for that logger. You can specify the following verbosity levels: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal] (default), d[etailed], and diag[nostic]. The following setting is an example: -verbosity:quiet python - 'verbose' argument in scikit-learn - Stack Overflow "The verbosity level: if non zero, progress messages are printed. Above 50, the output is sent to stdout. The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level. If it more than 10, all iterations are reported." In addition, the Glossary (search for "verbose") says this:

Controlling the verbosity of the Maven output - Apache

These are the verbosity levels used by rosconsole and rospy/Overview/Logging. DEBUG. Information that you never need to see if the system is working properly. Examples: "Received a message on topic X from caller Y" "Sent 20 bytes on socket 9". INFO. Small amounts of information that may be useful to a user. Examples: "Node initialized"

Sets the verbosity level for the build output. 7. Shortcuts can help you work around the verbosity of the DOM and create code that is self-explanatory and elegant. 8. Output Message Type: Specifies the level of verbosity of output messages to generate during the build. 9.

MSBuild Command-Line Reference - Visual Studio | Microsoft -verbosity:level-v:level: Specifies the amount of information to display in the build log. Each logger displays events based on the verbosity level that you set for that logger. You can specify the following verbosity levels: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal] (default), d[etailed], and diag[nostic]. The following setting is an example: -verbosity:quiet python - 'verbose' argument in scikit-learn - Stack Overflow "The verbosity level: if non zero, progress messages are printed. Above 50, the output is sent to stdout. The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level. If it more than 10, all iterations are reported." In addition, the Glossary (search for "verbose") says this: Verbosity Levels - ROS Wiki These are the verbosity levels used by rosconsole and rospy/Overview/Logging. DEBUG. Information that you never need to see if the system is working properly. Examples: "Received a message on topic X from caller Y" "Sent 20 bytes on socket 9". INFO. Small amounts of information that may be useful to a user. Examples: "Node initialized"