2014 – Page 10 – Network Engineer
I’ve had fun this week installing a new virtual environment for a client with a SmoothWall firewall. It took a call to SmoothWall support for me to get Windows updates to work, then after activating a few 2008 R2 servers via phone, I was motivated to get online activation running as well. RD Gateway behinde NGINX reverse proxy? - Windows Server May 13, 2018 Transparent vs Explicit proxy — which method should I use?
Smoothwall - Configuring Squid
It's for this reason some web filters (including Smoothwall, my employer) when blocking a https request will MiTM resulting in the user getting a certificate error, but once they click through, a full "blockpage" which gives a reason (You can't go on linkedin because your admin has set policy as such), rather than the more brutal option of Server 2008 R2 VAMT using Proxy Activate Mar 01, 2013 Smoothwall - Configuring Squid
Web Proxy Log Analysis Reports [This modification has been verified to work with Smoothwall Express 2.0. I haven't yet tested this mod with on Smoothwall GPL 1.0, but it should work fine.] This page describes how install some web proxy anaysis reporting scripts on Smoothwall, allowing you to analyse the data in the web proxy logs. Overview:
How do I set up a smoothwall proxy server? | Yahoo Answers May 08, 2009