We have tried pinging Youtube website using our server and the website returned the above results. If youtube.com is down for us too there is nothing you can do except waiting. Probably the server is overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outage or a website maintenance is in progress

Twitter and Facebook, which owns Instagram, took down a video tribute for George Floyd posted by President Donald Trump's campaign for violating copyright. A protester holds a Black Lives Matter sign in front of the Confederate carving in Stone Mountain Park on June 16, 2020, in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Jessica McGowan/Getty Images “Black power Twitter is cracking down on accounts linked to QAnon, a group known for spreading conspiracy theories and disinformation online. “We’ve been clear that we will take strong enforcement action Jan 11, 2019 · YouTube is removing the ability to automatically share videos on Twitter after they’ve been published. After January 31st, YouTube videos can no longer be auto-posted to Twitter. Twitter is a microblog which allows users to publish short messages of 280 characters of less. Twitter users are able to post their tweets from from numerous devices and platforms, including the iPhone, Android, Blackberry, or Windows Phone devices and traditional computers. 2 days ago · How Mask Mandates Were Beaten Down in Rural Oklahoma. By Victor Luckerso n. May 27, 2020. Save this story for later. Oklahoma’s state government is currently implementing one of the country’s

Jul 08, 2020 · Ninja teased the stream earlier today in a tweet, and started his new YouTube venture with a Fortnite stream alongside Dr Lupo, TimTheTatman, and Courage. It’s not clear yet whether this is an

Oct 16, 2018 · YouTube experienced a major outage. Users across the world started to notice that the video service’s sites and mobile apps were down around 9:20PM ET, and everything remained inaccessible more

Oct 16, 2018 · YouTube experienced a major outage. Users across the world started to notice that the video service’s sites and mobile apps were down around 9:20PM ET, and everything remained inaccessible more

Apr 17, 2018 · Twitter is down. Outage reports of the social media app are coming in from people in the US, Europe, and Japan. The reports started flooding other social media sites like Facebook and Instagram What's happening?!