How can an internet speed test help you? Let’s face it—finding the right internet speed is hard. In a market as large and essential to daily life as internet, service providers constantly clamoring for internet speed supremacy can easily become white noise.

Our Xfinity speed test dynamically uses a nearby server to test your internet speed. Other speed tests use a designated server instead of a dynamic one, which can skew your results. If the designated server is farther away than your Internet Service Provider’s (ISP’s) server, the results of your latency test may be inflated. This speed test checks the speed between your smartphone, tablet, computer, or other device and the internet. You can run the test through a cellular (mobile) network, a wired broadband connection, or your home Wi-Fi. A gateway speed test checks the speed between your AT&T Wi-Fi gateway and our network. An internet speed test measures the connection speed and quality of your connected device to the internet. It does so by running multiple consecutive tests that analyze different aspects of your internet connection, namely ping (latency), download speed, and upload speed. This speed test tool is not affiliated with and does not belong to Xfinity Internet or Comcast, and is provided by a third-party company named "Ookla." Please Select Last 50 results Last 100 results Last 250 results Last 500 results Last 1000 results Get fast internet speeds with Xfinity internet service. Xfinity Internet delivers the most reliable high-speed internet and WiFi for all devices, all the time.

The definitions for the terminology used in the speed test can be found below. Download Speed: The speed of the connection when downloading from the Internet to your computer. Upload Speed: The speed of the connection when uploading data from your computer to another computer somewhere on the Internet.

Very similar to the new beta xfinity speed test but much lower thatn the original Xfinity speed test. I'm do have a Sonicwall UTM device and I"m not debating the effect that would have. I"m asking why the radically different results on new vs old Xfinity speed tests. Running this test could transfer over 40 MB of data, depending on your connection speed. Mobile data charges could apply. To run the test, you'll be connected to M-Lab and your IP address will be shared with them and processed by them in accordance with their privacy policy .

Get fast internet speeds with Xfinity internet service. Xfinity Internet delivers the most reliable high-speed internet and WiFi for all devices, all the time.

Test your Internet connection bandwidth to locations around the world with this interactive broadband speed test from Ookla It helps us to test your speed efficiently and gives the best estimate of your connection actual speed. Note: This website is not in any way affiliated with Xfinity, Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, or Comcast Corporation and is a third party tool built specifically to test Internet speed of Xfinity Internet users.