Dec 10, 2017
Discover tips and tricks, find answers to common questions, and get help! If you still can’t recover your account, you can create a new Google Account. Avoid account & password recovery services. For your security, you can't call Google for help to sign into your account. We don’t work with any service that claims to provide account or password support. Do not give out your passwords or verification codes. If you can’t reset the password of your snapchat account, then the hacker must have blocked you from the account or might have changed the credentials associated with your Snapchat account. This happens when the hacker doesn’t want you to use the account anymore.
Snapchat Log In - APKpure Aptoide
To reset your password via SMS from the Snapchat Log In screen:Tap 'Forgot your password?'Then select how you would like to reset your password - via SMS.A verification code should be sent to the phone number associated with your account.Enter the verification code and select 'Continue' How to Recover Your Snapchat Account | Beebom
How to Recover Lost Snapchat Account? - The Xplorion
Step 4: This will open a pop-up box asking the password for your Snapchat Account. Enter your Snapchat Account Password. Step 5: In case, if you forgot your Snapchat password, you need to click on the “Question Mark” icon showing on the top-right of the page.